Hormonal Anxiety & CBD?

August 10, 2022
Hormonal Anxiety & CBD?

Anxiety can be a lifelong symptom of hormonal imbalance whether it is PMT related or as a regular occurrence with perimenopause or menopause.  Regardless of how your anxiety accompanies your hormonal balance there are solutions.

When dealing with anxiety the goal is to manage and reduce the symptoms and strive towards a greater peace of mind while you work to tackle the source of your anxiety.

CBD is known to create an increased sense of calm, improve your ability to relax and help you sleep better.  But how?  

Anxiety has accommodated us all through one life journey or another and for some of us it is a constant presence in our daily lives.

Symptoms of anxiety include:

feelings of worry


a feeling of lack of control

a sense of panic


difficulty sleeping

difficulty concentrating

sense of overwhelm

increased heart rate

shortness of breath



feeling of weakness

upset stomach


hot flashes

What is happening inside our body and brain?

The primary function of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is to maintain a balanced, neutral state called homeostasis. The ECS is believed to help modulate a wide range of physiological processes, including pain sensation, body temperature, memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune function, and reproduction.

The ECS communicates through a class of compounds called endocannabinoids, which are messengers (neurotransmitters) produced naturally by the body that attach to special receptors called CB1 and CB2. Cannabinoids like CBD and THC found in the cannabis plant which are similar to endocannabinoids.  The cannabinoids have the ability to interact with these receptors.

The ECS helps regulate function in many parts of the body, but when it comes to modulating stress and anxiety, it mostly works with the brain.

There are circuits in our brain that are involved in generating shifts in behavior states.  The majority of this activity occurs in the part of the brain called the amygdala, which reacts to both real and perceived dangers, for example false alarms that trigger anxiety, by launching a fight-or-flight response — the heart beats faster, breathing speeds up, muscles tense, and an internal voice screams “RUN!”
Dr Hill, Biological Psychiatry,

But the body has an override system: the ECS. Researchers have discovered that when the brain launches a stress response, the ECS can put on the brakes. 

It is known that endocannabinoids are involved in keeping the amygdala less active so that we don’t produce stress or anxiety when there is no real danger or threat.

But the ECS does not work on its own! By attaching to the CB1 receptor endocannabinoids also help relay messages to other neurotransmitters involved in producing or preventing anxiety. 

This function is vital, as researchers have learned that repeated exposure to stress can cause the ECS to burn out. This explains why habitually people under chronic stress are more vulnerable to stress-related mental-health conditions like anxiety.

Vincenzo Di Marzo, PhD, Université Laval in Quebec City, Quebec

A survey of 5,000 people conducted by the Brightfield Group, a cannabis market research firm, found that more than 60 percent of CBD users have taken it to treat anxiety symptoms.

CBD interacts with the 5-HT1A and TRPV1 receptors, both of which help regulate fear and anxiety. In addition, the endocannabinoid system is known to be instrumental in mood regulation plus a dysfunctional endocannabinoid is associated with impaired fear regulation.

What does the research say? 

A systematic review of clinical CBD suggest that CBD can be effective at reducing generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and post- traumatic disorder, and might mitigate THC-induced anxiety. 

A study published in 2019 examined the efficacy of CBD for the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders noted that dosages of CBD ranged from 25mg-175mg/day.  Anxiety sufferers responded better to the lower dosages and those with sleep disorders responded better to the higher dosages of CBD. 

CBD can help reduce stress-induced and mild anxiety. However, some people report that CBD alone is not effective at managing anxiety.

In some people, CBD can be alerting. It is advised to stop consumption of CBD several hours before bed. In some patients, the stimulatory effects of CBD might exacerbate anxiety. 

People with constant anxiety might achieve better success with a long-acting oral regimen compared with routes with faster onset and shorter durations. However, those who suffer anxiety associated with acute pain attacks might find that inhalation can help achieve relief within minutes and prevent further anxiety. But you may consider multiple routes of administration for more complete symptom management. 

A study published in 2019suggested that a 25mg capsule of CBD daily significantly reduced anxiety in 47 of patients presenting with the primary concern of anxiety

It is important to be aware of Potential Drug-Drug Interactions with CBD and to check this out with a medical professional before taking. 

One in three of us live with some degree of anxiety every day.  Let’s lean into our bodies natural abilities and defence’s to support our mental health but let’s also remember…  

Life is messy and we face challenges but whatever you do today let it be enough because we are all enough.

We are all loved.

To learn more about PMT and hormonal imbalance join LabFemme at www.labaroma-education.com.  Empowerment begins when we understand the challenging but beautiful world of hormones while also embracing and embodiment our formidable femme energy.

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